my old speakers used to do this. Lasham airport is very near me and almost all the Uk based boeings get serviced/cleaned there. was always fun listening to them in the day. and very peaceful way of getting to sleep.
I am not saying Mythbusters is ultimatly right, but this does show how it all could happen. Tbh we did go to the moon and people that think not are far far too sceptical.
oh god why! she is sooo annoying. I think I would rather trap my own penis in my grans zip, while being on a stage infront of 200,000 people. Then for my penis to drop off into a vat of acid, than listen to her :X
London Elektricty - Hanging Rock Just an amazing band and an awesome song. Check out "Ultrasound" by them if you prefer lighter DnB.
Rob & Goldie - The Shadow (Process Mix) When i first heard this i actually had tears in my eyes. The buildup really is something astonishing.
Dj Krush - Kemuri Dj Krush is one of the most under rated musicians of all time. I really reccomend getting some of his albums.
This could be about the UK. Finland is sounding more and more like England but with real weather. Not just Grey overcast days and occasionly a "heat wave"
Terry Pratchett is amazing. Small gods was the first one i ever read and still my favroute. Very closely followed by Fith Elephant. Though I think corpral carrot is still my favroute character. I love his nievety yet he still scares the crap out of all of Ankh Morpork.
tbh kiling any animal for food is just the same as killing dogs. (i cba to read the rest of this thread and it wouldn't change my mind anyway) I don't mean to sound ignorant but as humas we wil kill everything we can.